Stages of Adoption Process

Adoption Process: According to Rogers, “adoption process is the mental process through which an individual passes from hearing about an innovation to final adoption”. Adoption process occurs at individual level The Adoption Process

The North Central Rural Sociology Subcommittee for the study of Diffusion of Form Practices (1955) identified five stages of the adoption process, which received world- wide attention.

These are –

1. Awareness, 2. Interest, 3. Evaluation, 4. Trial 5. Adoption.

According to them adoption is not an instantaneous act. It is a process that occurs over a period of time and consists of a series of actions.

1. Awareness Stage

The individual learns for the existence of the new idea but lacks information about it. At this stage an individual is aware of the idea, but lacks detailed information about it. For instance, the person may know only the name and may not know what the idea is, what it will do or how it will work.

2. Interest Stage

The individual develops interest in the innovation and seeks additional information about it. At this stage the individual develops interest in the idea and tries to acquire more information about it. The person wants to know what it is, how it works and what its potentialities are.

3. Evaluation Stage

The individual makes mental application of the new idea to the present and anticipated future situations and decides whether or not to try it. At this stage the individual judges the worth of innovation. The person makes an assessment whether the idea is applicable to own situation, and if applied what would be the result.

4. Trial Stage

The individual actually applies the new idea on a small scale in order to determine its utility in own situation. If, in the judgment of the individual the innovation has some plus points i.e., applicable to own situation, and if applied shall in some way or other be of advantage, the person takes a decision to try it. These are generally small-scale trials to test the effectiveness of the innovation in one’s own situation-apparently individuals need to test a new idea even though they have thought about it for long time and gathered information concerning it.

5. Adoption Stage

The individual uses the new idea continuously on a full scale. Trial may be considered as the practical evaluation of an innovation. It provides evidence of the advantages of the innovation. Being satisfied with the trial and considering the pros and cons of the situation, the individual takes a final decision and applies the innovation in a scale appropriate to own situation on a continued basis.

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